Our Consortium - CESCON

Ceylon Eco Solar works in a Consortium of reputed Companies and presents itself as CESCON for turnkey renewable energy and infrastructure projects - mainly overseas.

The multidisciplinary nature of infrastructure projects requires the engineering, the procurement and the constructions (EPA) and the expertise needs to be drawn from multiple sectors.


CESCON Consortium is composed of six companies with individuals with wide experience in successful engineering design, procurement, construction, commissioning and operation in Sri Lanka and overseas.

Expertise in our Consortium Team


Chartered Engineers with International Accreditation in Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Marine
Chartered Accountants in Cost, Financial and Risk Management
Project Managers - successfully completed multi-million rupee projects in Sri Lanka and Overseas
Nationally Accredited Solar PV Designers in Australia and Sri Lanka in applying AS/NZS 5033 and SLS 1522 respectively.
Engineering or other professional practice period of minimum 30 years

Project Preparatory Works

discovery and assessment
needs analysis and options studies
pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
technical assessment investigations – grid connection and protection
resource assessments and energy projections
solar or hybrid technology assessments Electricity Load and Demand Planning
Multi fuel electricity micro grids
Network stability analysis
Generation redundancy
community surveys and consultations
planning permits and environmental impact assessments
power system investigations and grid connection compliance
solar DC systems and balance of plant design
operational support and technical due diligence
project conception and master planning
concept and detailed designs, technical specification, procurement, factory and site testing
power systems and grid connection studies
design, specification, tender and bid response evaluations
procurement, factory and site acceptance testing
Environmental Impact Assessments
Social Impact Assessment
Power Purchase Agreement due diligence
Renewable energy investment funding repayment management

Project Works Expertise in Completed Works

Solar, hydro and other renewable systems as turnkey, energy efficiency in HVAC, lighting, power in building Services and in manufacturing,
Civil and structural design and fabrication
Sri Lanka's larger MW solar PV installers - the pioneering solar energy company – with business awards - street lighting, solar farms and roof top installations
Agents and importers of European and Chinese solar PV products of the highest quality
Pioneering works in LV, HV and EHV electrical pylons, bridge foundations, earth works, test piling.
Extensive experience in On Grid Connections, sub-station and electrical protection, HV, HV, EHV transmission.
Experience in electrical project management, rural electrification
Naval architecture, design, modification, fabrication and marine machinery system design and overhauls
Power generation rotating and reciprocating machinery system design and overhaul
Project works have been completed in Sri Lanka and oversea

Risk Management, Finance, Funding

Project Costing, Budgeting, Cash Flow Analysis, Project Feasibility, Sensitivity Analysis, revenue stream analysis, consumer collection and debt management

Project and Procurement Management

Material sourcing, local fabrication, supply chain logistics